
The Hector Heritage Quay is home to the Ship Hector, the full size replica ship that brought the first Scottish emigrants directly from Scotland to Nova Scotia.

The Ship Hector arrived in Pictou Harbour on September 15, 1773, bringing 189 emigrants to their new home. The story of the Hector and its passengers is a unique tale of the first permanent, enduring Scottish settlement in Nova Scotia.

Those who arrived aboard the Hector, as well as those Scottish settlers who followed, made enormous cultural, political, intellectual and industrial contributions that shaped Nova Scotia and the rest of Canada.

This historic voyage marked the beginning of a massive wave of immigration that would shape the future of North America and gave Pictou the honour of being called “The Birthplace of New Scotland”.


The Ship Hector Society is Dedicated to preserve the history of the Ship Hector, and Mi’kmaq relationship to the survival of the Hector settlers.

The Society is volunteer run organization and relies on admissions and fundraising to operate the Hector Heritage Quay and the Ship Hector.  We are a registered not for profit charitable organization.

The site is owned by the Society and is managed by a 15 member Board of Directors.  The Directors are from around the region and are committed to the success of the site.


Ship Hector Executive Committee:

Chair:  Wes Surrett
Vice Chair: Linda Townsend
Secretary: Karen Laundon
Treasurer: Darlene MacDonald


Ship Hector Board of Directors

Councillor Shawn MacNamara
Councillor Mary Elliott
Mike MacKean
Charlie Parker
Ralph Heighton 
Allayna Munroe
John Meir
Noella Martin
Councillor Haley Bernard


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